Choudhary, MonikaBhatnagar, Amisha2024-03-042024-03-042023Bhatnagar, Amisha (2023). Nutrient Profiling of Packaged Snack Foods Carrying Nutrition-Related Claims (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. present study was undertaken for nutrient profiling of packaged snack foods carrying nutrition-related claims. Two major objectives such as examination of packaged snack foods carrying nutrition claims with respect to nutrition labelling and comparison of nutritional quality of packaged snack foods with and without nutrition-related claims were framed to accomplish the objectives of the study. The study was conducted in three phases which were categorisation of packaged snack foods using nutrient profiling model (NPM), nutrient profiling of packaged snack foods for evaluation of nutrient content claims and complacency with respect to nutrition label and nutrient comparative claims. For this, a total 53 products were selected with 15 brands. Out of total, one was international while 14 were national brands. The selected samples were categorised into different groups through nutrition label on packaging as per the major ingredients enlisted on the nutrition label such as cereal/pseudocereal based, millet based, vegetable based, pulses/legume based, etc. Another categorisation was done using nutrient profiling model given by WHO taking into consideration threshold levels of sodium, sugar, total fat and saturated fat. The findings of the study revealed that out of total products, 14 products were having sodium content above threshold levels, 7 products were having sugar content above threshold levels, 31 products were having total fat content above threshold levels and 13 products were having saturated fat content above threshold levels. The range of nutrient claims was 1-10 in the selected products. While, the range of health claims was 2-7. The type of nutrient claims present in the majority of packaged snack foods were “protein rich” and “fiber rich”. In terms of nutrient content claim, a significant (p≤0.01) difference was observed in the values of nutrients analysed through laboratory methods in comparison to the values given on nutrition label in majority of the products. With regard to nutrient comparative claim, nutrient profiling of six packaged snack foods with claim and analogous packaged snack foods without any claim through laboratory analysis were compared. The finding revealed that the values of nutrients such as calcium and protein in beetroot masala chips (brand 1), protein in quinoa masala puffs (brand 5), multigrain puffs (brand 5) and roasted millet puffs (brand 11) were significantly (p≤0.01) higher in comparison to analogous foods. The total fat content in purple sweet potato chips (brand 9) and ragi bhujia (brand 5) was significantly (p≤0.01) lower in comparison to analogous foods.EnglishNutrient Profiling of Packaged Snack Foods Carrying Nutrition-Related ClaimsThesis