Nataraju, M. S.LAKSHMAN REDDY, B. S.2020-10-062020-10-062019-10-05Th-12506 study was conducted in Kolar district of Karnataka state to analyse the attitude of farmers towards livelihood diversification and to find out the nature and extent of livelihood diversification among farmers. One hundred fifty farmers consisting of 50 marginal farmers, 50 small farmers and 50 big farmers were personally interviewed for the study. The findings revealed that a majority of farmers (69%) had favourable to more favourable attitude towards livelihood diversification. The results also revealed that 46.7 per cent of the farmers were belonging to moderately livelihood diversified category, while 30.6 and 33.7 per cent of the farmers were belonging to highly diversified and less diversified category, respectively. The major livelihood activities practised by farmers include agriculture (98.66%), animal husbandry (82.66%), horticulture (64%) and agriculture labour (52%). Age, education, farming experience, annual family income, economic motivation, management orientation, innovative proneness, awareness about livelihood diversification, mass media participation, extension participation of farmers had significant to highly significant relationship with their attitude and extent of diversification practised. The major constraints encountered by the farmers were lack of water resources, lack of market facilities for the products, insufficient government incentives, inadequate knowledge about diversification and lack of adequate natural resources for practising livelihood diversification.EnglishA STUDY ON ATTITUDE OF FARMERS TOWARDS LIVELIHOOD DIVERSIFICATION IN KOLAR DISTRICT OF KARNATAKAThesis