Chaudhary, GitanjaliPANDA, JHARANA2023-03-012023-03-012021M/FN/374/2019-20 millet (Panicum miliaceum) is one of the minor millet which is known by different names such as “Common millet”, “Broomcorn millet”, “Cheena” (in Hindi), “Panivaragu” (in Tamil), etc. Nutritionally, proso millet grains are rich in proteins, dietary fibres, minerals like calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron, B-complex vitamins, polyphenols, essential amino acids like methionine and cysteine. The present research work was carried out to develop proso millet based value added convenience products and their quality control. Proso Millet (PM) flour was developed by utilizing different processing techniques i.e. germinating (for 24hrs, 48hrs, 72hrs and 96hrs), roasting and grinding. The nutritional analysis of PM flours showed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in moisture, fat, calcium and phosphorus content while a significant increase was to be found in the amount of ash, crude fibre, crude protein, iron and zinc with the progress in germinating period. The nutritional and organoleptic assessment of PM flour showed the flour germinated for 72hrs was superior among all PM flour. Five combination of different PM based composite flour were formulated using the developed PM flour, wheat flour and Bengal gram flour. Among them 20:60:20 ratio of PM flour, wheat flour and Bengal gram flour was to be Name of the student : JHARANA PANDA Registration number : M/FN/374/2019-20 Degree to be awarded : Master of Science (Home Science) Department : F ood and Nutrition College : C ollege of Community Science Major advisor : D r . G i t a njali Chaudhary Total pages of research work : 8 2 + i - v i (Bibliography) Title of the research problem : “ D e v e lopment of Proso Millet Based Value Added Convenience Products and Their Quality Control”. found organoleptically superior in all sensory attributes with an overall acceptability score of 7.64±0.79. This formulated composite flour was used to develop three PM based value added convenience products like ladoo, biscuit and namakpara. The nutritional assessment of PM based composite flour revealed that the flour had 9.87g moisture, 2.47g ash, 1.53g crude fibre, 2.32g of fat, 13.15g of crude protein, 70.66g of carbohydrate, 356.12Kcal of energy, 4.61mg of iron, 2.34mg of zinc, 28.14mg of calcium and 288.04mg of phosphorus per 100g. The physico-chemical assessment of the composite flour recorded bulk density (0.75±0.03g/ml), water absorption capacity (1.03±0.15g/ml) and oil absorption capacity (1.83±0.057g/ml). The nutritional assessment of three developed PM based value added convenience products showed that the products were higher in crude fibre, crude protein, energy, zinc, iron and phosphorus than the control while the organoleptic assessment of the developed products revealed that the products were highly accepted by the panel members of 30 judges. The shelf life study of the LDPE packed formulated PM based composite flour and its products revealed that a significant increase (p<0.05) in the moisture content and a significant decrease in sensory attributes was found during the storage period of 30 days but they were organoleptically acceptable till the end of storage period (i.e. 30 days). From the investigation, it was concluded that proso millet can be germinated for three days to develop nutrient rich PM flour and processed PM flour can be incorporated up to 20% level to develop PM based composite flour. The findings also revealed that developed PM based value added products can be stored up to a period of 30 days.EnglishDEVELOPMENT OF PROSO MILLET BASED VALUE ADDED CONVENIENCE PRODUCTS AND THEIR QUALITY CONTROLThesis