Suryavanshi, V. P.Sunil Kumar2018-07-052018-07-052016-05-23T07980 experiment was conducted during kharif season of the year 2015- 16 at Experimental Farm of Agronomy section. College of Agriculture, Latur, to study the effect of growth regulators on growth and yield of soybean. The experimental field was levelled and well drained. The soil was clayey in texture, low in available nitrogen (118.86 kg ha'1), low in available phosphorus (20.42 kg ha'1), very high in available potassium (385.89 kg ha'1) and slightly alkaline in reaction (7.45 pH). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with 11 treatments replicated thrice. The treatments were Ti- RDF, T2- RDF + GA 20 ppm,T3- RDF + GA 40 ppm, T4- RDF + GA 60 ppm, T5- RDF + NAA 20 ppm, T„- RDF + NAA 40 ppm, T7- RDF + NAA 60 ppm, Tg- RDF + CCC 200 ppm, T9- RDF + CCC 250 ppm T10- RDF + CCC 300 ppm and Tn - RDF + water spray at moisture stress up to 45 DAS. The gross and net plot size of each experimental unit was 4.8 m x 4.5 m and 4.5 x 3.6 m respectively. Sowing was done by dibbling method on 08th August 2015. The RDF was applied before sowing. The recommended cultural practices and plant protection measures were under taken as per recommendation. Application of GA 40 ppm recorded significantly higher growth & yield attributes, yield, GMR, NMR which was at par with application of GA 20 ppm and 60 ppm.ennullEffect of growth regulators on growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)Thesis