PUTTARAJU, T. BPADMARAJA, S. R2016-12-162016-12-1626-08-11Th-10093http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/90436Snake gourd is an important cucurbitaceous vegetable having considerable nutrition and medicinal properties. The present study was undertaken to elicit information on the nature of variability, correlation and path analysis of snake gourd genotypes during 2010-2011 at Department of Horticulture, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore. The analysis of variance indicated highly significant variation among the genotypes for all the characters. The phenotypic co-efficient of variation was more than the genotypic co-efficient of variation for almost all the character under study. Both growth and yield attributing characters like number of primary branches per plant, productive length of vine, number of nodes per vine, inter nodal length, node at which first female flower appearance, number of fruits per plant, mean fruit weight, fruit length, fruit girth, flesh thickness, size of the cavity, number of seeds per fruit, fruit fly infestation, downy mildew incidence and yield per plant showed high genetic advance over per cent mean with high heritability. Yield per plant was positively and significantly correlated with vine length, productive length of vine, number of fruits per plant, mean fruit length and fruit weight at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Path analysis revealed mean fruit weight, number of fruits per plant contributed positive direct effect on fruit yield and other growth and fruit related characters contributed indirectly through fruit yield. The genotypes GKVK SG-16, GKVK SG-7, GKVK SG-13, GKVK SG-8 and GKVK SG-14 were found to be early flowering and higher yield per plant. The genotypes GKVK SG-9, GKVK SG-8, GKVK SG-14, GKVK SG-5, GKVK SG-13, GKVK SG-7 and GKVK SG-16 were found to be moderately resistant to fruit fly and downy mildew disease.en---GENETIC VARIABILITY STUDIES IN SNAKE GOURD (Trichosanthes cucumerina L.)Thesis