Suryavanshi, V. P.Mitke, Markandey Shivajirao2018-06-142018-06-142015-05-30T07443 field experiment was conducted during khdrif season of 2014-15 at experimentation field College of Agriculture, Latur to study the effects of carrier and liquid based ghtconacetobacter and azotobacter biofertilizers on growth, yield and economics of kharif sorghum. The soil was clayey in texture, low in available nitrogen (118.86 kg ha'1), medium in phosphorus (20.42 kg ha‘l), high in potassium (385.89 kg ha' !) and slightly alkaline in reaction (PH 8.17). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with eight treatments viz. Ti-Control, T2-100% RDN, Tg-100% RDN + carrier based Ghtconacetobacter, T4-100% RDN + liquid based Ghtconacetobacter, Tg- 75% RDN + carrier based Ghtconacetobacter, Tg-75% RDN + liquid based Ghtconacetobacter, Tj -75% RDN + carrier based Azotobacter, Tg -75% RDN + liquid based Azotobacter replicated thrice. The recommended cultivation practices were adopted. The result indicated that, the growth and yield attributing characters of sorghum viz. plant height, number of functional leaves, leaf area, dry matter accumulation per plant, length of earhead, weight of earhead and grain weight per plant were significantly higher with the application of 100% RDN + liquid based Ghtconacetobacter (TO followed by application of 100% RDN + carrier based Ghtconacetobacter (Tg). The significantly higher grain yield, gross monetary returns and net monetary returns was recorded with the application of 100% RDN + liquid based Ghtconacetobacter (TO followed by application of 100% RDN + carrier based Ghtconacetobacter (Tg). Highest B: C ratio was also recorded with the application of 100% RDN + liquid based Ghtconacetobacter (T4).ennullEffects of Gluconacetobacter and azotobacter on growth and yield of Kharif sorghumThesis