Kaur, PraveenSingh, Sangeeta2018-07-072018-07-071990http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810058249sex differential based on gender roles have been a constant Factor all the world Over, and through the annals of human history. These differentials are a source of constant disturbance to and Iniquitous situation, in the world of work at home and outside. constitutional and legal rights for Equality cannot ensure Equality of opportunity in work end property till the society fails to prepare the human resource so as to cash upon the rights. There are many hurdle in the way. What people think is one of them sax-stereotypes are tho negative formulations, militating aquatint the position operations of efforts towards human resource Development at all levels. Stereotype by analogy, means the identification of sex with the roles Performed by the same.enChild DevelopmentA Study of Factors Affecting Sex-Stereotyping among Rural and Urban Children in The Age Group of 6-8 YearsThesis