Lende, A.B.Gardi Popat Ganpatrao2019-10-042019-10-042007http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810130248Groundnut shelling is done by either by hand shelling or by hand or pedal or power operated decorticators. Hand or pedal operated decorticators have low capacity (below 80 kg/h) and have no facility to separate kernels and husk. Whereas power operated decorticators have these facilities but they are costlier. The Pedal Operated Rotary type Groundnut Decorticator-cum Cleaner was, therefore, developed to bridge these two extremeties. The machine consists of mainshaft which is driven by chain and sprocket through pedaling which rotates the rotary unit in decorticating cylinder where decortication takes place. A blower driven by pulleys blows husk and separates kernels. Tests indicated that weight of machine was 85.5 kg. Its average decorticating capacity was 120.72 kg pods/h, average output capacity was 54.32 kg kernels/h, average decorticating efficiency was 84.69 %, average cleaning efficiency was 87.76 %, breakage was 5.76 % and its cost of operation was found to be Rs. 23.28 /100 kg kernels. Machine showed satisfactory results and it was suitable for small and medium farmers.ennullDEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF PEDAL OPERATED ROTARY TYPE GROUNDNUT DECORTICATOR -CUM -CLEANERThesis