Audichya, SumanRana, Kajal2022-03-082022-03-082021Rana K. and Audichya S. Analytical Study on Social Media and Well Being of AdolescentsThe present study investigates the impact of social media usage pattern on emotional, social, and physical well being of adolescents. Total sample for the present study comprised of 120 adolescents i.e. 60 girls and 60 boys enrolled in private co-educational schools of Bikaner city, as schools were closed due to COVID-19 imposed lockdown, the coaching centers were approached and snowball sampling method was adopted for sample selection. Social media usage pattern was assessed by inventory developed by Bhatt and Dhakar (2016) while, emotional, social and physical well being was measured using self developed schedule. Percentage, mean scores, correlation and t-test method was used for comparison of scores. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the adolescent girls and boys were using Instagram and WhatsApp as a major social networking site. In relation to the purpose of social media platforms most of the adolescents were moderately using these sites. Positive effect of social media sites on lifestyle was observed in respect of daily routine activities and in rest of the aspects it was seen as moderate. Findings also points out that male respondent possess higher emotional, social and overall well being when compared to female counterparts while, girls had better physical well being. The study also underlines the positive relationship of age, ordinal position with well being. The implications of the present study are likely to be of immense importance for parents, teachers, scholars and adolescent themselves. In order to generalize the findings on larger population, diverse social base is required.EnglishAn Analytical Study on Social Media and Well Being of AdolescentsThesis