NAGMOTE SWAPML GUN WANT2019-07-052019-07-052009 Identifction in avian species is one of the key points of avian breeding. Iviany of the v.'or?-dâ s bird snecies are sexually monomorphic. Information about individual chick is importart in studies of ecology, evolution biology, breeding and conser/ation. Absence of juvenile sexual dimorphism often makes it difficult or even impossible to determine chickâ s sex on the basis of external morphology. Similar problem exists for fully grown individual of many bird species where adult sexu"i dimorpliism is absent or less pronounced. Differences in sale prices and rearing cost of males and femaks and time spent for reprodi-ction process causes significant financial losses for nestlings. Cerit and Avanus, (2005) opined that through the knowledge of sc' iden tification genes, poultry breeding programmes can be executed more successfullyAPPLICATION OF PCR IN SEXING OF CHICKENThesis