Dr. J. P. PrajapatiTrivedi, Vishalkumar Bharatbhai2017-03-092017-03-092014http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810004582The present investigation was planned and conducted to evaluate basil (Ocimum sanctum, tulsi), an herbaceous perennial, in selected forms i.e. juice and dried powder as a flavouring ingredient in ice cream. The study was planned to conduct the experiment for optimization of selected form of basil viz. basil juice and basil powder and standardize the process for basil ice cream and assessment for its compositional, physicochemical properties, sensory attributes and microbiological quality. Ice cream was prepared in batch type ice cream freezer using basil at selected levels i.e. juice @ 0 (J0), 2 (J1), 4 (J2), 6 (J3) and 8 (J4) % (phase I) and dried basil powder @ 0 (P0), 0.5 (P1), 1.0 (P2), 1.5 (P3) and 2.0 (J4) % (phase II). These levels were selected based on preliminary trials. All the experimental ice cream samples were compared with control i.e. juice (J0) and powder (P0) without any addition of basil juice and powder. The optimum levels of each form of basil employed was selected on the basis of their sensory quality.endairy science, dairy technologymethodUSE OF BASIL (TULSI) AS FLAVOURING INGREDIENT IN THE MANUFACTURE OF ICE CREAMThesis