T N, Prakash KammardiM, SATISHKUMAR2016-10-212016-10-2118-07-14Th-10812http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/81263Jowar is an important staple food and fodder crop in Semi arid tropics. The present study attempts to analyse the trends in area, production and productivity of jowar and its economics with special focus on labour use and fodder supply in Bijapur district of Karnataka. Primary data was collected from 80 rabi jowar cultivating and 40 bengalgram cultivating sample farmers of Basavana Bagewadi taluk of Bijapur district. The result indicated that there is a gradual decline in area under jowar during 1980-81 to 2010-11 in Bijapur district as well as for the state as a whole. The net returns per acre was higher in the case of bengalgram (Rs. 1930) compared with the rabi Jowar (Rs. 1252) and the associated returns per rupee of expenditure was Rs. 1.16 and 1.13, respectively. The magnitude of inputs used was substantially lower in rabi jowar as compared to the bengalgram. As high as 95 per cent of farmers growing rabi jowar was found self sufficient with respect to their fodder requirement. Even though, the magnitude of returns realized by rabi jowar is low, farmers continue to grow Jowar, as it is the staple food crop and sole source of fodder component in the study area. Declining area under jowar in Bijapur district is a cause of concern as it imminently halters the fodder security in the study area. Hence, the policy makers have to revisit the scientific pricing for jowar crop.encosts, manpower, productivity, tillage equipment, diseases, area, crops, economics, biological development, biological phenomenaECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF RABI JOWAR CULTIVATION IN SEMI-ARID REGION OF KARNATAKAThesis