Singh, MadanOjha, Pankaj Kumar2018-05-192018-05-192017 education is an informal out of school education designed to help rural people to satisfy their needs, interest and desires. All the extension activities carried out through various extension teaching methods. In another words, we can say that extension teaching methods are the wheels of extension education. This study was mainly focused to explore the effectiveness of various extension teaching methods used by extension functionaries, viz. SMS from KVKs and Agricultural coordinators from state agricultural department of Bihar to train the farmers according to their needs. In general, effectiveness is a measure of the match between stated goals and their achievement. Erlendsson (2002) says that effectiveness as the extent to which objectives are met (‘doing the right things). The Extension Teaching methods are broadly classified into two groups: (1). According to use and (2). According to form. Further use based teaching methods classified into 3 groups like (1). Individual methods, (2). Group methods and (3). Mass methods. Each group has different sub-methods. In this study, we have three groups of extension teaching methods like individual, group and mass contact methods, each group having 7, 10 and 15 methods respectively. We measured the effectiveness of these methods by providing rank order, the ranks were provided by respondents as per their perception. The rank order has been provided through ‘Garrett Ranking Technique’. Beside the effectiveness, we also measured job involvement, job satisfaction and knowledge level of respondents about extension teaching methods. The descriptive type of research design has applied to this study. The three districts of Bihar like Samastipur, Sitamarhi and East Champaran were purposefully selected as locale under the study. Extension professionals like SMS from KVKs and Agricultural Coordinators from department of Agriculture, government of Bihar and farmers equally from selected locale were the respondents of the study. The data were collected through the well structures interview schedule and through face to face interview. Mainly correlation, chi-square tests were used for statistical analysis of the collected data. There were eight independent variables like age, education, service experience, job involvement, job satisfaction, sources of information, sources of income and knowledge level of extension professionals about different extension teaching methods and there was single dependent variable as effectiveness of different extension teaching methods. The analysis revealed that most of the respondents belonged to middle age group. Mostly (60 % and 51.7 %) they were belonged to backward caste. Majority of respondents were male under the study. All the extension personnel are married while 68.3 per cent farmers were married. Majority of respondents were belonged to joint family type. Majority (46.7 %) of extension professionals have small landholdings while majority of farmers have medium sized landholdings. Majority (46.7 %) of extension professionals was found to have M.Sc. (Ag.) or equivalent degree and 26.7 % have Ph.D. degree. Majority (53.3%) of farmers were found to have intermediate level of education. Majority of extension professionals were found to have long (> 10 years) service experience, 90 per cent were found to have salary as a main source of income, most of them frequently used the sources of information like through training (80 %), by farmers’ field visit (93 %), internet (83 %), mobile (77 %) and books (60 %). In case of farmers they were mostly used the sources of information like mobile (91.7 %), TV (76.6 %), radio (71.7 %), and through scientists (90 %). The professionals were found to have good knowledge level of extension teaching aids, extension teaching methods, handling of different teaching methods. Most (62.5 %) of the SMS were found to have medium level of job involvement while 50 % Agricultural Coordinators have high level of job involvement. Majority of SMS were found to have high level of job satisfaction while most (57.7 %) of the Agricultural Coordinators were less satisfied with their job. Farm and home visit, telephonic calls, farmers’ call, adaptive and mini kit trial and farm clinic were found to have frequently used individual contact methods, with respect to group contact method demonstration, leader training meetings, lecture methods, result demonstration and group discussion were frequently used and in context of mass contact bulletins, leaflets, literature, digital training were found to have frequently used by KVKs of selected locale. Farm and home visit, farmers call, method demonstration, internet, agricultural shows, etc. were found effective in acquiring knowledge, skill development and formatting attitude. The extension professionals were stated some constraints during handling of extension teaching methods. The constraints were related to extension teaching aids, extension teaching methods and some personal and psychological traits.ennullStudy on Effectiveness of different Extension Teaching methods under KVK System of BiharThesis