SHANKARALINGAPPA, B. C.POORNIMA, D. S.2017-07-132017-07-132009-09-10Th-9557 field experiment was carried out at the Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra, Bengaluru under rainfed conditions during kharif, 2008 to identify the optimum age of pigeonpea seedlings for transplanting, to study the effect of transplanting of pigeonpea on its growth and yield in sole cropping and finger millet based intercropping system, to know the effect of transplanted pigeonpea (intercrop) on finger millet (base crop) and to workout the economics of sole crop of transplanted pigeonpea and finger millet + transplanted pigeonpea (8:2) intercropping. The experiment was laid out in RCBD, replicated thrice with 11 treatments involving transplanting of pigeonpea of different aged seedlings (3, 4 and 5 weeks) under sole cropping as well as finger millet based intercropping system along with direct sowing. Transplanting of 5 weeks old seedlings o f pigeonpea had higher survival rate (92.4%) than 3 and 4 weeks old seedlings (75.6 to 85.7% and 83.3 to 90.0%). Transplanting of 5 weeks old pigeonpea seedlings as sole crop resulted in significantly 69.5 per cent higher grain yield (2669 kg ha'1) over direct sowing (1575 kg ha'1) and was on par with transplanting of 4 and 3 weeks old seedlings. Significantly higher grain yield of pigeonpea with transplanting o f 5 weeks old seedlings was due to higher growth and yield components. Transplanting of 5 weeks old pigeonpea seedlings in sole crop of pigeonpea gave significantly higher net returns o f Rs. 39983 ha'1 with B:C ratio of 1.99 than direct sowing (Rs. 21817 ha'1 with B:C ratio of 1.77). Finger millet + transplanted pigeonpea (8:2) intercropping with transplanting of 4 weeks old seedlings produced significantly higher pigeonpea grain yield (1347 kg ha*1 with finger millet grain yield o f 1880 kg ha'1) compared to finger millet + direct sown pigeonpea (391 kg ha'1 with finger millet grain yield of 1992 kg ha'1). The reduction in the grain yield of finger millet in finger millet + transplanted pigeonpea with 4 weeks old seedlings was 19.8 per cent, whereas it was 37.7 per cent with finger millet + transplanted pigeonpea with 5 weeks old seedlings. Finger millet + transplanted pigeonpea (8:2) with 4 weeks old seedlings gave higher LER (1.325), yield advantage (32.5%), net returns (Rs. 31874 ha'1) and B:C ratio of 1.90 than finger millet + direct sown pigeonpea (1.098, 9.8%, Rs. 16178 ha'1 and 1.28, respectively) and sole crop o f finger millet (net returns of Rs. 14910 ha'1 and B:C ratio o f 1.64).ennullSTUDIES ON FEASIBILITY OF TRANSPLANTING PIGEONPEA IN SOLE CROPPING AND FINGER MILLET BASED INTERCROPPING SYSTEMThesis