C. R. BharodiaGAJERA HARSHITBHAI PRADIPBHAI20721210032024-04-052024-04-052023-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810208191Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important oil crops of the world which also has tremendous importance as a food legume. This study examines the growth, instability soyabean crop using secondary data and analyses the adoption level, cost of cultivation, resource use efficiency, and constraints faced by farmers using primary data of 180 farmers from three districts Rajkot, Junagadh and Gir Somnath. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of soybean area and production in India showed modest growth, while the yield had a minimal increase. In contrast, Gujarat exhibited significant growth in all three aspects. Instability was observed in soybean production, indicating vulnerability to various factors. The adoption of improved cultivation practices was moderate to high, with harvesting and seed treatment being the most widely adopted practices. The cost of cultivation per hectare was high, but the net profit indicated overall profitability. Resource allocation efficiency analysis suggested scope for improvement, particularly in the areas of seed, labor, plant protection, and fertilizer. Farmers faced constraints related to supply, economics, and marketing, including the lack of improved varieties, credit availability, and market price fluctuationsEnglishCOST OF CULTIVATION AND RESOURCE USE EFFICIENCY OF SOYBEAN CROP IN SAURASHTRA REGION 3712Thesis