APARNA, B.SRUTHI, P.2022-05-122022-05-122022-12-22d6131https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810184686AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF NIGER-VIS-À-VIS RAJMA IN VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT OF ANDHRA PRADESHThe present study entitled “An Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing of niger vis-à-vis rajma in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh” was undertaken with a view to study the growth rate of area, production and productivity of niger and rajma in Andhra Pradesh, cost and returns, marketing cost and price spread, constraints in production and marketing of niger and rajma in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh. The study was carried out in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh from which two mandals were selected which had maximum acerage under niger and two mandals which had maximum acerage under rajma. From each mandal two villages were selected and from each selected village 10 farmers were selected through simple random technique making a sample size of 80 farmers. The trends in area, production and productivity of niger and rajma in Andhra Pradesh and Visakhapatnam district were studied from 2000-01 to 2018-19.In Andhra Pradesh, area and production of niger presented a negative and significant growth rate of -6.59 and -7.03.Whereas, productivity presented a positive non significant growth rate of 0.29. In case of rajma, area, production and productivity presented a positive and significant growth rate of 8.15, 18.96 and 8.40 respectively. xiii In Visakhapatnam district, area and production of niger presented a negative and significant growth rate of -6.12 and -5.93.Whereas, productivity presented a positive non significant growth rate of 0.64. In case of rajma, area, production and productivity presented a positive and significant growth rate of 7.41, 17.77 and 8.93 respectively. The average size of the family was smaller on rajma farms over niger farms. Family members working on the farm were less on the rajma farms compared to niger farms. Higher literacy rate was noticed on rajma farms over niger farms. The average size of the holding operated by rajma farmers was bigger than that of niger farms. The present study indicated that at overall level, the cost of cultivation of niger and rajma was ₹10,428.19 and ₹18,869.11. Out of total cost of cultivation of niger and rajma, maximum share was cost incurred by human labour i.e. 42.87 per cent and 35.20 per cent. The cattle labour cost, machine labour cost, seed cost and fertilizer cost on rajma farm was ₹2000, ₹1050, ₹393.75 and ₹229.50 respectively. The cattle labour cost, machine labour cost, seed cost and fertilizer cost on rajma farm was ₹1895, ₹1680, ₹4000 and ₹1900.The interest on working capital of niger and rajma farm was ₹98.74 and ₹227.74. The depreciation and interest on fixed capital on niger farm was ₹520 and ₹125.20. Whereas on rajma farm, depreciation and interest on fixed capital was ₹700.61 and ₹124.76. The average yield of niger and rajma per hectare was 4.5 and 8.4 quintals on sample farms which realized ₹22500, ₹12071.81, ₹16138.01, ₹14562.81 and ₹12604.19 as gross income, net income, farm business income, family labour income and farm investment income respectively on niger farm. Whereas on rajma farm, gross income, net income, farm business income, family labour income and farm investment income were realized as ₹52500, ₹33603.89, ₹38457.65, ₹36732.89 and ₹33468.74 respectively. The cost of production per hectare on niger and rajma was ₹2317.37 and ₹2246.32. The rate of returns worked out on niger and rajma farm was 1.15 and 1.78. xiv The marketing channels identified in transaction of niger were channel I (Producer-Village trader-Wholesaler-Retailer) and channel II (Producer- Village trader-Wholesaler-Wholesaler cum processor-Retailer). The marketing cost was higher in channel II (₹223) than channel I (₹162) in marketing of niger. The producer share of consumer rupee in channel I and channel II were 90.36 and 85.68 per cent. The marketing channels identified in transaction of rajma were channel I (Producer-Village trader-Wholesaler-Retailer), channel II (Producer-Village trader-Wholesaler I-Wholesaler II-Retailer) and channel III (Producer-Cooperative society-Wholesaler-Retailer). Among the three channels in rajma marketing channel II incurred high cost in transaction of rajma. The producer share of consumer rupee in channel I, channel II and channel III were 82.26, 76.45 and 77.81 per cent. The net price received by producer was highest in channel II (₹6,269.5 per quintal). It was observed that, the major problem in production and marketing of niger were pests and diseases during production and low price for the seeds while marketing. The major problem faced by rajma farmers were unavailability of labour and inadequate transportation facility. Use of high yielding and resistant varieties, educating the farmers about the use of inputs on scientific scale, increasing extension effort to enhance marketing news, information and intelligence on different aspects of production and marketing are some of the remedial measures to overcome the problems faced by farmers in the study area.EnglishAN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF NIGER-VIS-À-VIS RAJMA IN VISAKHAPATNAM DISTRICT OF ANDHRA PRADESHThesis