Sidhu, Amandeep SinghLakhwinder Singh2024-01-032024-01-032023Lakhwinder Singh (2023). Productivity and quality of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L) in response to foliar application of liquid organic manures (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. present study entitled, "Productivity and quality of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in response to foliar application of liquid organic manures" was carried out at two locations viz. Research Farm (Rice Section), Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, PAU, Ludhiana and University Seed Farm, Nabha during kharif 202 1 -22. The field experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design consisting of nine treatments viz. 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) 150-30-30 kg ha N-P,0;-K,0, RDF + foliar spray of urea @3 per cent, RDF + foliar spray of cow urine (1:1), RDF + foliar spray of vermiwash (@ 10 per cent, RDF + foliar spray of FYM extract (1:2), RDF + foliar spray of cow dung cake extract (1:2), RDF + foliar spray of jeevamrit @ 500 liters ha', RDF + foliar spray of sagarika (sea weed extract) @ 0.3 per cent, RDF + water spray to study the effect of foliar application of liquid organic manures on productivity, quality, economics, insect-pest and disease (s) incidence of direct seeded rice (DSR). Three foliar applications of liquid organic manures was done at maximum tillering, booting and grain development stages. Among all the treatments, foliar application of3 per cent urea produced highest grain yield (75 q ha' at PAU and 80.6 q ha' at Nabha) which was statistically at par with foliar application of cow dung cake extract (74.7 q ha at PAU and 79.5 q ha" at Nabha) and 0.3 per cent sagarika (seaweed extract) (74.4 q ha" at PAU and 78.9 q ha at Nabha) but significantly higher than rest of the treatments. Yield and growth attributes followed the similar trend. Similarly, highest gross returns (Rs 1,47,000 ha' at PAU and Rs 1,57,927 ha' at Nabha), net returns (Rs 1,08,568 at PAU and Rs 1,19,495 ha' at Nabha) and benefit-cost ratio (B:C) (2.82 at PAU and 3.11 at Nabha) were recorded with foliar application of urea followed by cow dung cake extract, sagarika and vermiwash. Quality of rice grains was not significantly affected by foliar application of different liquid organic manures except protein and amylose content, which were highest with foliar application of urea (8.88% at PAU and 9.06% at Nabha, 20.2% at PAU and 20.8% at Nabha) and statistically at par with cow dung cake extract (8.81% at PAU and 9.00% at Nabha, 20.0% at PAU and 20.7% at Nabha) and sagarika (8.75% at PAU and 8.94% at Nabha, 19.8% at PAU and 20.6% at Nabha). The application of different liquid organic manures had no significant effect on incidence of different insect-pests and diseases.EnglishProductivity and quality of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L) in response to foliar application of liquid organic manuresThesis