Sanghi, A KMonpara, B A2018-04-192018-04-191981 experiment consisting of seven varieties of forage sorghum and their 21 F1 crosses was conducted at the Forage Research Project, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand Campus Anand in Kharif 1979 to obtain informatics related to heterosis combining ability and genetic nature of inheritance in these varieties. Observations were recorded on ten quantitative characters viz., days to flowering plant height number of tillers, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf breadth, flag leaf area, green fodder yield, dery matter yield and crude protein percentage. The parental lines used in this study were: S1049, SSG 59-3, MP Chari, SL 44, C10-2, PC 1, and PC 6.enAGRICULTURE, PLANT BREEDING AND GENETICSA STUDYHETEROSIS AND COMBINING ABILITY IN FORAGE SORGHUMThesis