Maurya, S. K.Shalvi2024-08-232024-08-232023-07Theses of M.Sc. the present research, forty genotypes including two check varieties Pusa Vishesh and Pant Karela-1 were evaluated in randomized complete block design during spring-summer, 2023 at the Vegetable Research Centre, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, to study the sixteen growth and yield related characters. The analysis of variance of the data revealed extremely significant treatment values for all of the characters. The magnitudes of GCV and PCV were found to be higher for number of primary branches per vine, number of internodes per vine, main vine length (m), stem diameter (mm), average fruit length (cm), number of node to first male flower, number of fruits per vine, average fruit diameter (mm), average fruit yield per vine (kg), fruit yield per ha (q) and average fruit weight (g). High heritability together with high genetic advance was reported for the characters, number of internodes per vine, average fruit weight (g), average fruit yield per vine (kg), average fruit diameter (mm) and fruit yield per ha (q), suggesting that these characters had additive-additive gene action and were suitable for direct phenotypic selection. Average fruit yield per vine (kg) revealed a significant positive association with variables such as main vine length (m), average fruit weight (g), average fruit length (cm), average fruit diameter (mm), and fruit yield per hectare (q), indicating the importance of these traits in selection for yield. The inter cluster D2 values of the six clusters revealed that highest inter cluster generalized distance was observed between cluster III and VI, followed by cluster II and cluster III indicating that the genotypes in these clusters can be used as parents in hybridization programme to develop high heterotic hybrids. Relative contributions of the characters to the overall divergence showed that among all the characters, average fruit diameter contributed maximum. The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) depicted that the first five components contributed to 80.02 % of the total variance. The bi-plot of PC-I and PC-II revealed significant heterogeneity, displaying a dispersion pattern of demarcated genotypes. The scatter plot created by PCA highlights the varied genotypes located further away from the place of origin and hybridization between these various genotypes may be used as a parent. Among the 40 genotypes under study, four genotypes namely PBIG-7/23 (259.26), PBIG-18/21 (229.95), PBIG-6/21 (187.16) and PBIG-9/21 (172.22) were found superior against standard check Pant Karela 1 (147.88) for fruit yield per ha (q) and they may be utilized as a commercial cultivar after following standard release procedure as well as future bitter gourd breeding programme.EnglishGENETIC DIVERSITY AND CHARACTER ASSOCIATION FOR YIELD AND ITS ATTRIBUTING TRAITS IN BITTER GOURD (Momordica charantia L.)Thesis