D. T. FEFARKUMBHANI TAPANKUMAR RAMNIKBHAI2021-07-262021-07-262020-10https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170849The present research work was undertaken to compare cytological and histopathological diagnosis of canine tumors and confirmation of origin and nature of tumors by immunohistochemistry. The present work was carried out on twenty-six cases of canine tumors. The study work was conducted at Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary science and Animal Husbandry, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, from October 2019 to July 2020. A total twenty seven samples suspected for canine tumors were collected from TVCC, JAU, Junagadh as well as from private pet clinics of Junagadh. Out of twenty seven, twenty-six cases were diagnosed as neoplastic conditions whereas one case was diagnosed as non-neoplastic condition and was excluded from study. The primary information pertaining to case viz. sex, breed and age were collected. All the cases of canine tumors were first subjected to FNAC and staining for the cytological examination then after, excisional biopsy of each tumor was collected for histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. Cytological smear were stained with Giemsa as well as H&E stain and toluidine blue staining was performed in mast cell tumor. Histopathological sections were stained with H&E staining while in mast cell tumor and fibroma cases, Toluidine blue and Masson’s trichrome staining was performed, respectively. A total four cases of epithelial tumors (15.38%), five cases of mesenchymal tumors (19.23%), six cases of round cell tumors (23.07%) and an eleven cases of mammary gland tumors (42.30%) were found in the present study. Squamous cell carcinoma and trichoblastoma were the epithelial tumors found in the present study whereas mesenchymal tumors found in the present study were fibroma, leiomyoma and hemangioma. The present study comprised of round cell tumors including mast cell tumor, TVT and lymphoma whereas mammary gland tumors include cystic papillary adenoma, tubular-carcinoma, tubulo-papillary carcinoma, solid adenocarcinoma, carcinoma-mixed type and malignant myoepithelioma. Cytologically, fourteen cases were diagnosed as benign tumors, an eleven cases were diagnosed as malignant tumors whereas one case was diagnosed as non-neoplastic condition. A total fourteen cases of benign tumors and twelve cases of malignant tumors were confirmed by histopathological examination. In the diagnosis of malignancy, cytology showed 76.92% sensitivity and 92.3% specificity. Overall agreement between cytological and histopathological diagnosis was found 84.61% (22/26) in the present study. The false negative results were noted in three cases and one case was found false positive when the cytological diagnosis compared with histopathological diagnosis in the present study. Immunohistochemistry using different biomarkers i.e. PCNA, Ki-67, pancytokeratin, vimentin and desmin was performed in the tissue sections from all the cases in the present study. Pancytokeratin, vimentin and desmin used to confirm origin of the neoplastic cells whereas PCNA and Ki-67 used in determination of nature of canine tumors in the present study. Epithelial tumors showed positive immunoreactivity to the Pancytokeratin whereas all the mesenchymal tumors showed positive immunoreactivity to the vimentin. No immunoreactivity with desmin was found in any tumor case in the present study. Epithelial tumors were negative for vimentin except in one case of squamous cell carcinoma whereas mesenchymal tumors showed no immunoreactivity to the pancytokeratin. Variable degree of expression with PCNA and Ki-67 found in different tumor cases in the present study. The epithelial tumors including mammary gland tumors got 3 to 4 reactivity scores for PCNA, mesenchymal tumors showed reactivity score of 1 and round cell tumors obtained 2 or 3 reactivity score except mast cell tumor which didn’t showed immunoreactivity to the PCNA. All the mesenchymal tumors and mast cell tumor showed no immunoreactivity with Ki-67 whereas epithelial tumors including mammary gland tumors obtained reactivity score of 2 except cystic papillary adenoma and tubular carcinoma which obtained reactivity score of 1. Reactivity score of round cell tumors were 2 except mast cell tumor.EnglishCYTOLOGICAL, HISTOPATHOLOGICAL AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDIES ON CANINE TUMORS 3098Thesis