S.H.TALEKARPATEL GREESHMABEN RAJENDRABHAI2021-07-072021-07-072019-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170164The present study was conducted on 10 Jaffarabadi buffaloes positive for diaphragmatic hernia presented to the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College, Junagadh, Gujarat. All selected animals were undergo by ultrasonographic examination with real time B-mode using 3.5 - 5 MHz convex transducer at 5th intercostal space, motile reticulm was observed as a half moon shaped hyperechoic structure. The reticulum contracted regularly in biphasic manner in all the buffaloes under screening. On 5th post-operative day ultrasonographic examination reticulum was observed at normal anatomical position and in 5th intercostals space normal heart position. Radiographic examination revealed different types of reticular foreign bodies (metallic and non metallic) in 7 out of 10 buffaloes. Metallic foreign bodies includes binding wires, bolts, nails pieces of metal and non-metallic foreign bodies includes pieces of marbles, stones, leather balls, plastic material etc. In present study, 7 buffaloes, lateral radiograph of reticulum showing clearly remarkable diaphragmatic line and presence of potential and non potential metallic and non metallic densities were found cranial to diaphragm. Whereas, In 3 buffaloes remarkable reticular density without any other density was observed cranial to diaphragm. On 5th post-operative day radiographic examination reticulum was observed at normal anatomical position and normal heart position. For correction of diaphragmatic hernia two stages surgery was performed first stage including rumenotomy by standard technique and second stage diaphragmatic herniorrhaphy through post-xiphoid trans-abdominal approach by restraining the animal in dorsal recumbency under sedation with Xylazine hydrochloride @ 0.04 mg/kg body weight intravenously with local infiltration with 2 % Lignocaine HCLwere used in all selected animals for herniorrhaphy without intermittent positive pressure ventilation and found 70 per cent success rate in unilateral diaphragmatic hernia cases. Buffaloes in the age group between 2 to 13 years were diagnosed positive for DH. Out of 10 buffaloes, 7 buffaloes (70 %) were reared under free range grazing system which accounted the vulnerability of ingestion of metallic foreign bodies by these animals. The duration of illness ranged from 15 to 45 days and clinical symptoms were inappetence or anorexia, recurrent tympany, regurgitation, cachexia, depressed condition and sudden drop in milk production. Clinical, Haematological and biochemical parameters were estimated at pre operatively (0 day), post-operatively 7th and 15th days. Mean rectal temperature and respiratory rate values significantly decreased on 7th and 15th post-operatively days, while mean values of heart rates significant increased on 7th and 15th post- operatively days. In haematological examination, mean values of PCV, TLC and neutrophils significantly decreased on 7th and 15th post-operative day compared with mean values of pre-operative (0 day). In biochemical examination, mean values of AST, ALT and CPK significantly decreased while mean values of albumin significantly increased on 7 th and 15th post-operative respectively.EnglishCLINICO-SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF DIAPHRAGMATIC HERNIORRHAPHY IN JAFFARABADI BUFFALOES 2895Thesis