SUDHIR, KCHANDRAKUMAR, M C2016-11-142016-11-1419-07-13Th-10493 field experiment was carried out in a soil deficient in boron and zinc at Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Mandya, to study the effect of different levels and methods of boron application with and without zinc on yield and uptake of nutrients by finger millet. The treatments consisted of application of 275 g and 550 g of borax to the crop through foliar spray with and without soil application of zinc sulphate @ 12.5 kg ha-1, soil application of 10 kg ha-1 and 15 kg ha-1 of borax with and without zinc sulphate @ 12.5 kg ha-1, only zinc sulphate @ 12.5 kg ha-1 and a control. The combined use of two nutrients indicated a synergistic effect on yield and uptake of many of the nutrients element. Its lower level (0.5 per cent foliar spray/soil application borax 10 kg ha-1) indicated a slight positive edge over the higher level (1 per cent foliar spray/soil application of borax15 kg ha-1) on both crop yield and uptake of all the nutrients. Hence, it is very clear from the results of the present study that the use of boron at levels greater than 0.5 per cent borax spray or 10 kg ha-1 soil application may lead to a decline in crop yield due to toxic effect. Use of 0.5 per cent borax spray along with 12.5 kg zinc sulphate proved to be ideal in finger millet in terms of increase in yield and minimizing the residual boron content in the soil wherever continuous boron application at high doses is advocated.eninorganic acid salts, boron, zinc, yields, millets, crops, planting, grain, harvesting, biological developmentEFFECT OF DIFFERENT LEVELS AND METHODS OF APPLICATION OF BORON WITH AND WITHOUT ZINC ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF FINGER MILLETThesis