Abilaasha, CMChandrasekaran, DKavitha, SVairamuthu, STANUVAS2020-05-272020-05-272020-02http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810146544TNV_JAR_2020_10(1)41-45The study was aimed to compare various diagnostic modalities in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in dogs. Forty dogs with history of acute onset of vomiting, abdominal pain and anorexia were screened for acute pancreatitis by radiography, abdominal ultrasound and confirmed by SNAP cPL (Canine pancreatic lipase) kit test. Fourteen (0.375 per cent of gastrointestinal cases) dogs found to be positive for acute pancreatitis by abdominal ultrasound were selected and further subjected to radiography to rule out the underlying causes of acute pancreatitis and confirmed by SNAP cPL test. Out of fourteen dogs, four dogs (29 per cent) having specific radiographic changes gas filled intestinal loops with loss of serosal details, SNAP cPL was positive in nine dogs (64 per cent). Abdominal ultrasonography revealed hypoechoic pancreas, hyperechoic surrounding fat saponification, enlarged or irregular pancreas and dilatation of biliary or pancreatic duct as the major changes in acute pancreatitis dogs. Ultrasound was found to be superior to radiography in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis and SNAP cPL was found to be effective in confirming only in acute stages of pancreatitis.enComparison of Radiography, Ultrasonography and SNAP cPL in the Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis in DogsJournal of Animal ResearchArticle