Guliani, SSSingh, Invinder Paul2018-06-292018-06-291985 Integrated Rural Development Programmer (IRDP) represents the first concerted nationwide attack on the problem of rural poverty directly through identification of members of the 'target groups' of families living below the 'poverty line' and providing assistance to them in terms of credit, inputs, subsidy and facilities for marketing etc., in an integrated manner. During Sixth Five Year Plan, removal of unemployment and significant under-employment and an appreciable rise in standard of living of the Poorest section of population were expected to be achieved through implementation of IRDP to a significant extent. The programme has been made quite comprehensive Incorporating various Improvements over early anti-poverty program such as small Farmers Development Agency (FDA), Marginal Farmers and Agriculture Laborers Laborers (MFAL) and Drought Prone Area Program (DPAP). Unlike the earlier programs, IRDP covers the agricultural and non-agricultural Sectors of rural economy including industrial and Tertiary Sectors.enFinanceEstimation of Credit Gap in IRDP Area of hisar District (Haryana)Thesis