JAYARAMU G.M.)AJAY KUMAR2023-12-222023-12-222022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810204229The present study entitled “Studies on mortalities in Asian elephants with special reference to pathology of herpesvirus infections” was conducted at the Department of Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary College, Shivamogga. Information on necropsy of elephant deaths from 2019 to 2021 were studied. Proportional mortality rate of deaths due to infectious causes were more in captive elephants, whereas deaths due to non-infectious causes were more among wild elephants. Among infectious causes, deaths due to bacterial etiology were more and among noninfectious causes, electrocution deaths were common in captive and wild elephants respectively. Calves and sub-adult were prone for deaths due to infectious causes, compared to adults where deaths due to non-infectious causes prevailed. Deaths in female elephants were more in captivity, whereas vice-versa was prevalent in wild habitats. Pathomorphology of herpesvirus infections in Asian elephant mortalities in confirmed cases revealed renal cortical and medullary congestion, glomerular syncytia formation. Liver showed severe sinusoidal congestion, cardiac cirrhosis, focal parenchymal and sub capsular haemorrhages. Edema, haemorrhages and multifocal heart failure cells were seen in lungs. Epicardial, endocardial, atrial myocardial and valvular haemorrhages, and intra-nuclear inclusion bodies were seen in endothelial cells in heart. Lymphoid depletion in white pulp and Peri-arterial Lymphatic Sheaths (PALS) with haemosiderosis in red pulp were seen in spleen. Lingual inter-muscular haemorrhages and congestion, haemorrhagic enteritis, mucosal and serosal haemorrhages were observed. The haemorrhages seen may be due to endothelial injury caused by viral localization and inflammatory reactions in various organs. Keywords: Asian elephants, HerpesvirusEnglishSTUDIES ON MORTALITIES IN ASIAN ELEPHANTS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PATHOLOGY OF HERPESVIRUS INFECTIONSThesis