Dr. R. A. MathakiyaPatel Krishnabahen. J2023-05-062023-05-062021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810197068Poultry production can function as an instrument for poverty alleviation and economic development. As low-income countries transition into higher incomes alongside growing urban populations, there is an increasing demand for quality sources of animal products. Poultry products are consumed highest in the world, but in several countries many essential antibiotics are used during poultry production. Promotion of intensive poultry production could increase antimicrobial resistance (AMR) within resource-limited settings lacking in effective biosafety and biosecurity measures. In recent scenario, phenotypic and genotypic methods are used for the detection of antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial resistance genes spread through horizontal gene transfer (HGT) through phages, plasmids, transposons or integron gene cassettes.EnglishANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE GENES PROFILING IN CAECAL MICROBIOTA OF POULTRY USING NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCINGThesis