Kale, A.A.Kharat Jayshree Kisan2020-12-302020-12-302018https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810157696The investigation entitled “Polyamine effect on biochemical events in sugarcane grown on sodic soils” was carried out to study the efficacy of polyamines viz., putrescine and spermidine to ameliorate the effect of soils sodicity by analysing the seedling height, root length of seedling, relative leaf water content, membrane injury index, lipid peroxidation, chlorophyll a content, chlorophyll b content, total chlorophyll content, osmolytes viz.. proline, glycine betaine, reducing sugars, non reducing sugar, total sugars. The antioxidant enzymes viz., ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dismutase were assayed from the leaves of the two sugarcane cultivars viz., the salt tolerant CoM 0265 and salt susceptible CoC 671 grown on sodic soils. The polyamines were applied at 0, 100 and 500μM concentration. The study revealed that seedling height, root length of seedling, RLWC and chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll decreased significantly in both the varieties of sugarcane when grown in sodic soils. However, by the application of putrescine and spermidine, the effect of sodicity was relieved. The effect of 500μM of both polyamines was promising. The values of membrane injury index and lipid peroxidation were higher in the sugarcane leaves in both varieties when grown in sodic soils. The lipid peroxidation was found to be greatly affected by soil sodicity than the MII with the application of putrescine and spermidine the effect of sodicity was reversed in both the cultivars.EnglishPolyamine effects on biochemical events in Sugarcane grown on sodic soilsThesis