Dr. PUSHPA YADAVDUDHATRA PRITKUMAR RAJESHBHAI20101210172024-01-032024-01-032023-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205512India ranks first in the world in terms of lime/lemon production and ranks 2nd in orange production. India has 26th rank in exports of lime/lemon and orange secured 58th rank in the world exporting countries. The changes in macroeconomic policies and trade liberalization across the world have given more importance to the export. Thereby, it is pertinent to emphasize the export through recognition of potential markets of lime/lemon and orange exports in context of increasing income of farmer through exports. In this connection, the study on “Performance and Stability Analysis of Citrus Fruits Exports from India” was undertaken with the main objectives to assess the growth trend, instability, sources of growth and variability, direction of trade and forecasting of quantity of future lime/lemon and orange exports to major importing countries. The secondary data on quantity and value of lime/lemon and orange exports from India was collected for 21 years from the year 2001 to 2021. It was analyzed using compound growth rate, coefficient of variation, Cuddy Della Vella Index, Hazell’s decomposition analysis and first order Markov chain model.EnglishPERFORMANCE AND STABILITY ANALYSIS OF CITRUS FRUITS EXPORTS FROM INDIA 3700Thesis