Singh, MeeraVandana2020-01-312020-01-312017 India, Micro Finance Institute model started through in the 1990s. SHGs, which are instrumental in empowering rural poor, are adopting dairy farming is one of the important activities and significantly contributing in empowering the group members socially and economically. SHG is conceptualized as a voluntary gathering of homogenous people, who share the same type of needs or the same type of problems, which are not being addressed by others. The concept of Self Help Groups serves to underline the principle “for the people, by the people, and of the people”. The Self Help Groups is the brainchild of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, which was founded by Prof. Mohammed Yunas of Chittagong University in the year 1975. The Self Help Groups scheme was introduced in Tamilnadu in 1989. This study seeks to explore the effectiveness of group dynamics among the SHG members and evaluate the information-seeking behavior amongst them. The group provides a base for self-employment and empowerment through group dynamics. In India, these mutual help based groups are known as Self Help Groups. Keeping in view of the all above facts.ennullStudy of group dynamics among the women SHG members involved in dairy sectorThesis