PARAMESH, RMARUTHI, J B2016-11-282016-11-2810-08-12Th-10316 field and laboratory experiments were conducted at plot E-6 and department of Seed Science and Technology, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore, respectively during kharif 2011-12 to study the influence of organic and inorganic nutrients on crop growth, seed yield and quality of vegetable soybean cv.Karune. The experiment consisted of twelve treatments and three replications. The results revealed that application of 50% recommended dose of NPK (15:40:18.75 kg/ha) + 50% recommended dose of FYM (5 t ha⁻¹) + 50% Vermicompost (2 t ha⁻¹) + Brady rhizobium (250 g haˉ¹) + Bacillus megaterium (250 g haˉ¹) recorded significantly higher number of leaves plant-1 (34.20), branches plant-1 (3.00), clusters plant-1(10.93), pods plant-1 (18.40), pod weight-1 (15.38 g), number of seeds pod-1 (2.07) and seed yield ha-1 (28.65 q/ha) compared to control and other treatments. The seed quality parameters viz., seed index (35.51g), TDH (4.80), germination (92.00 %), seedling length (30.69 cm), seedling vigour index I and II (2820 and 836), protein content (36.30%) and field emergence (89.33 %) were significantly higher with the recommended dose of NPK (30:80:37.5 kg/ha) + Recommended dose of FYM (10 t ha⁻¹) + Brady rhizobium (250 g haˉ¹) + Bacillus megaterium (250 g haˉ¹) over control and other treatments. In accelerated ageing studies, the same treatment recorded higher seed quality parameters pertaining germination (70.83 %), seedling vigour index I & II (1388 and 485) and lower EC of seed leachate (1.80 mScm-1) at the end of six days of ageing period.enINFLUENCE OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC NUTRIENTS ON CROP GROWTH, SEED YIELD AND QUALITY OF VEGETABLE SOYBEAN (Glycine max (L.) MERRILL) cv. KARUNEThesis