Dr. A.H. JanaAnkit R. Dobariya2020-06-242020-06-242018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810147963The present investigation was carried out to utilize ghee residue, a valued byproduct of dairy industry, as an integral part of sugar/jaggery chikki as a particulate matter in developing ‘Confection ice cream’. Ghee residue is highly nutritious and possesses cooked and caramelized flavour. Utilizing ghee residue might contribute to desired flavour of confection ice cream and help in salvaging byproduct. Therefore, the investigation was undertaken to explore such possibility and the study was divided into five different phases.en-USnullUTILIZATION OF GHEE RESIDUE IN THE FORM OF CHIKKI (CANDY) IN DEVELOPING CONFECTION ICE CREAMThesis