K. BASAVANA, GOUDA. VENKATA, RAJESH2019-06-102019-06-102007-01-20TH-8317http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810107894Incidence of capsule borers In four districts of northern Karnataka revealed that the pest was present in all the four districts and the capsule damage varied from 26.92 to 37.90 per cent. More than 31 per cent capsule damage was observed in Dharwad and Gadag districts; while it was less than 28 per cent in Belgaum and Haveri districts. In different cropping systems, minimum capsule damage (20.00%) was noticed on safflower when Intercropped with jowar, whereas it was maximum (40.20%) when intercropped with chickpea. Highest mean number of capsule borers {H. armigera and H. peltigera) (4.75), Spodoptera litura (Hub.) (0.70), Perigia capensis (Walkar) (0.77) and Thysanoplusia orichalcea (Fab.) (0.80) were recorded in Gadag district.ennullESTIMATION OF CROP LOSS, DETERMINATION OF ECONOMIC INJORY lEUEl AND MANAGEMENT OF CAPSOLE DORERS, Helicompaarmigera{MMet) AND Heliothispeltigerai^zWX) IN SAFFLOWERThesis