Singh, C.K.Diksha2024-04-242024-04-242023-04 health is a crucial part of general health and a central feature of human development. It reflects health during childhood and crucial during adolescence adulthood, sets and stages for health beyond reproductive years for both women and men, and affects the health of the next generation young people‖ covering the age group of 10-24 years. Family planning (FP) is a solution to control population growth and stop today‘s unsustainable growth. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines family planning as allowing ‗people to attain their desired number of children and determine the spacing of pregnancies. It is achieved through the use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of infertility‘. This paper investigates the knowledge and attitude of reproductive health, family life, family planning and birth control in rural women of Haryana state. An intervention programme to improve the knowledge and attitude of reproductive health, family life, family planning and birth control of low performing rural women was imparted. The study was conducted in ten randomly selected villages of Hisar and Jind district of Haryana state. From selected villages 300 respondents in the age group of 18 to 25 years were selected randomly. Results revealed that respondents had moderate knowledge regarding reproductive health and family life and had favorable attitude towards family planning methods.EnglishAn intervention study on reproductive health and family life of rural women in Haryana stateThesis