Ramakrishna V.HegdePramila.S.Chougule2016-10-272016-10-272008http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/82595The study was carried out to standardize protocol for rapid multiplication of shoot in turmeric in vitro condition and media and growing conditions for production of microrhizomes under four experiments at Tissue Culture Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Dharwad during 2006-08. Turmeric Curcuma longa L. cv. Salem was taken for the study. Sprouts were collected and washed in water containing Tween-20. These explants were surface sterilized with 0.1 per cent (W/V) HgCl2 solution for 15 min followed by washing with sterile distilled water 6 times under aseptic conditions. Inoculation was carried out and inoculated explants and cultures were transferred to new medium after 25-30 days. Individual multiple shoots were transferred to microrhizome induction media. Results revealed that MS media supplemented with BAP 4 mg/litre + NAA 0.1 mg/litre recorded more shoot length and higher number of leaves, indicating its superiority over other treatments in the study of influence of growth regulators on shoot multiplication. Media having various concentrations of BAP and NAA have been evalulated for induction of microrhizome. BAP 2mg/litre + NAA 0.1 per cent mg/litre produced highest number of shoots producing microrhizomes whereas early initiation of microrhizomes was observed in MS with BAP 1mg/litre + NAA 0.2 mg/litre. BAP 1mg/litre alone resulted in highest number of microrhizomes, weight of mirorhizomes and number of nodes per microrhizome. Full strength of medium with 60g sucrose per litre followed by 90 g sucrose per litre showed positive influence on the initiation of microrhizomes and highest number of shoots producing microrhizomes. The effect of photoperiod on microrhizome formation indicated complete dark condition gave earliest microrhizome induction among the different photoperiod condition (4h, 8h, 16h). Number of shoots producing microrhizome and number of microrhizomes per shoot were highest in dark condition and liquid as well as semisolid medium.HorticultureStudies on microrhizome production in turmericThesis