Banakar, BasavarajKrishnegowda, G D2019-08-092019-08-092003No. of references 72"Sericulture is a rural agrobased cottage industry and play an important role in Indian economy, present study was undertaken by selecting Bangalore rural district of Ramangaram taluk for reeling and Dodda Ballapur for weaving units. In the first stage, 30 charaka, 30 cottage and 2 multiend reeling units were selected randomly in Ramanagar Taluk and 20 power looms and 10 hand looms units were selected randomly in Dodda Ballapur. The analytical techniques are Averages, percentages and financial ratios used. The primary data was collected for the year 2001-02 through pre-tested questionnaire. The data collected through personal interview method followed. The procurement pattern by reeling and weaving units were identified are channel-1 Farmers -^ Government cocoon market^ Reelers and channel-I Government Silk exchange -^ Weaver and channel-II Registered dealers -^ Weavers. The financial performance of reeling and weaving units showed relatively more efficient in charaka and cottage units than the multiend units and they maintained the specific trend throughout the year and liquid ratio did not affect the solvency position of the units. The total cost of production of silk by three different types of reeling units were (Rs. 1261.4/kg) multiend, (Rs. 1183.50/kg of silk) in cottage and (Rs. 881.60 /kg of silk) in charaka respectively. Similarly, in weaving units, the total cost of production of per saree was Rs. 990 in power loom and Rs. 1866.00 in handloom respectively. The problems in all the stages of silk reeling and weaving processes are lack of quality cocoons/silk yarn, lack of institutional credit, owing the cottage based silk industry needs to entrepreneurs status by Government, restructuring industry with appropriate support for silk industry."ennullMANAGEMENT OF SILK PROCESSING UNITS IN BANGALORE RURAL DISTRICT IN KARNATAKAThesis