M. K., HONNABYRAIAHB. G., JASMITHAG. S. K., SWAMYPATIL, S. V.J., JAYAPPAS., ANIL KUMAR2021-01-112021-01-112018-07UHS16PGM810https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810159779The experiment entitled “Effect of enriched biochar on seedlings growth of Mango, Jack and Jamun” was conducted at College of Horticulture, UHS Campus, GKVK, Bengaluru during July 2017 to April 2018. The coconut husk was used as a raw material for production of biochar using drum method. The biochar enriched with cow dung slurry showed high pH value (10.17), bulk density (0.62 gcc-3), cation exchange capacity (12.14 Cmol/kg),total carbon (58.12 %), nitrogen (0.80 %), phosphorus (0.29 %), potassium (0.58 %), calcium (2.51 %), magnesium (0.51 %), sulphur (0.09 %) and copper (40.15 ppm). Whereas, total zinc (55.45 ppm) and boron (34.15 ppm) was found maximum in biochar enriched with 19:19:19 (NPK) + zinc and boron. The potting mixture containing Soil: Sand : Biochar organic (2: 1:1) showed maximum seedling vigour (3100, 3667and 3100) seedling height (45.63, 64.67and 54.83 cm) seedling girth (7.95, 8.07and 5.33 mm) number of leaves (24.00, 7.13and 35.89), leaf breadth (6.99, 6.97and 4.00 cm), leaf length (21.33, 17.28and 19.44 cm), leaf area (159.51, 123.44 and 83.40 cm2), root length (31.00, 31.67 and 38.67 cm) root biomass (27.00, 18.00and 26.00 g) and seedling biomass (79.00, 46.33and 67.67 g) at 150, 120 and 210 days after germination in mango, jack and jamun respectively. The highest benefit: cost ratio was recorded in mango (1.85), jack (1.97) and jamun (2.04) seedlings and found to be a good quality planting material as rootstocks.EnglishEFFECT OF ENRICHED BIOCHAR ON SEEDLINGS GROWTH OF MANGO, JACK AND JAMUNThesis