Pandey, BhawnaSati, Tanmay2023-03-132023-03-132022-08 induced cross-sections in the energy range up to 20 MeV play a very important role for the design and functional operation of the fission, fusion and accelerator driven reactor. Neutrons of average energy 14.1 MeV is emitted in the D-T fusion reaction and these neutrons can react with the reactors structural material and thus there is a need to study the neutron induced reactions. The neutron interaction cross-section data in the energy range below 20 MeV is of importance for shielding design, structural materials damage studies, reactor safety, designing of next generation D-T reactors and in the management of nuclear waste. The candidate structural material for the critical components of the fusion reactor is stainless steel with Ni, Fe and Cr as the main constituents. The present study consists of the calculation of cross-section, differential crosssection. (DX) and double differential cross-section (DDX) for the isotopes of Nickel (58,60Ni); Iron (54,56Fe) and Chromium (50,52Cr) below 20 MeV using TALYS-1.9. The obtained cross-sections data are then compared with the data from nuclear data libraries (EXFOR, ENDF, JEFF, JENDL and TENDL). The contributions of direct, stripping, pre-equilibrium and compound reactions mechanism to the total cross-section for the (n, d) reaction is studied.English(n, d) reaction cross-section for materials of interest in fusion technologyThesis