PATEL, ASHOK A.PARMAR, BIPINCHANDRA JIVANLAL2018-05-252018-05-252009 Milk Production (CMP) plays a very important role to meet international standards and adds high value to it. Making use of hygienic practices at the door of livestock owner is most important in clean milk production. This requires increased extension support for communicating the issues of CMP to the dairy farmers. The present research has focused to assess the relative effectiveness of folder (as print media) and multimedia (as an electronic media) over the lecture + discussion tool on gain and retention of knowledge for CMP. The study was carried out in Panchmahals and Ahmedabad districts of Gujarat state. Two taluka of each district and three villages from these talukas were selected. In all, 240 respondents were selected through purposive stratified random sampling technique. Two depended variables namely gain in knowledge & retention of knowledge and ten independent variables were selected. Message of technical knowhow regarding CMP was convene through specially developed three extension tools namely lecture + discussion, folder and multimedia. The before-after experimental design was used. Data were collected through specially structured questionnaires. Appropriate statistical tools were employed like paired t test & Z test to measure significance of improvement in knowledge due to use of a particular tool. Correlation coefficient test was employed to find out correlation between dependent and independent variables. The difference between levels of knowledge before application of tool and just after applications of tool was considered as gain in knowledge (KnG). Similarly the knowledge level of CMP tested after one month is considered as retension of knowledge (KnR). The gain in knowledge was highest in case of use of multimedia followed by lecture + discussion and folder. Retention of knowledge was also highest in case of multimedia followed by lecture + discussion and Folder. The age, experience in dairy fanning, social participation, annual income from dairy, mass media exposure and extension contact have been found to be positively correlated with gain in knowledge as well as retention of knowledge. In addition to this, the level of education and daily milk yield were found to be positively correlated with retention of knowledge.enVETERINARY SCIENCE AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY EXTENSIONA STUDYRELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF EXTENSION TOOLS ON GAIN AND RETENTION OF KNOWLEDGE REGARDING CLEAN MILK PRODUCTIONThesis