Dr. P. R. KananiMr. M. K. Jadeja2017-10-302017-10-302017-06http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810034047Key words: Crisis Management,Groundnut, Adoption and Knowledge Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. Our population is increasing day by day and India has only 2.4 per cent of total land area on the planet earth, to support survival of about 1.30 billion population, which is nearly 1/5th of total world population. Indian agriculture has shown tremendous evolution after independence in spite of severe droughts and other natural calamities is the features which impair the agricultural development. It is needed to increase production of important oil seeds crops to secure the edible oil production and income security for the farmer. Despite, technological advancement, there is a wide gap exists between the know-how already attained and their application in the farmers' fields. It is well known fact that the gross cultivated area under agriculture cannot be increased. In this situation the adoption of different crisis management practices may serve a suitable and viable option to encounter the present challenges. The present investigation entitled “Adoption of Crisis Management in Groundnut Crop by Groundnut Growers of South Saurashtra Agro-Climatic Zone" was conducted as an attempt to understand the knowledge and extent of adoption of groundnut growers about crisis in groundnut cultivation, constraints faced by them in adoption and get their suggestions to overcome these constraints. The theoretical orientation was developed for the study on the basis of review of literature. The various concepts utilized in the study were operationalized suitably. Based on the assumptions, the tentative paradigm was laid down and finally the null hypotheses were also formulated. In order to measure the extent of adoption of crisis management in groundnut crop a standardized scale was developed. The indices and different structured were developed. Thescale was used to measure the independent variables.Total 200 groundnut growers were selected randomly from two talukasviz; Gondalof Rajkot district and Vanthaliof Junagadhdistrict for the study and were interviewed with the help of structured interview schedule. The collected data were analyzed, tabulated and interpreted in term of objectives. In respect to different selected characteristics of the respondents it was found that 49.00 per cent of the respondents were in the middle age group, whereas 48.00 per cent of the respondents possessed primary level of education. As regard to land holding 48.50 per cent of the groundnut growers were from a medium size of land holding, 64.50 per cent of the groundnut growers were from medium social participation and in case of irrigation index, 51.00 per cent of the groundnut growers had a medium irrigation index and 68.00 per cent of the groundnut growers were from medium groundnut yield level. More than two-third (70.50 per cent) of the respondents were from medium level management orientation,76.00 per cent of the groundnut growers were from medium groundnut cropping intensity, about half (53.00 per cent)of the groundnut growers were from medium index of farm experience, 53.00 per cent of the groundnut growers were from medium innovativeness, 68.50 per cent of the groundnut growers had medium risk orientation, about two-third (69.00 per cent) of the groundnut growers were from medium level of extension participation and more than two-third (74.50 per cent) of the groundnut growers were from medium level of knowledge about crisis management practises. There was negative and significant association between adoption of crisis management practices of groundnut growers and their age.The characteristics like, social participation, yield level, management orientation, index of farm experience, innovativeness, extension participation had positive and highly significant relationship with adoption level of respondents with respect to crisis management practices.The characteristics like education, irrigation index and risk orientation had positive and significant relationship with adoption level of respondents with respect to crisis management practices.There was non-significant association of the adoption level of respondents with respect to crisis management practices with their size of land holding and cropping intensity. The important constraints perceived by groundnut growers were: unavailability of irrigation water during dry spell of crop period, white grub cannot be controlled completely, non- remunerative price, high price of chemical fertilizers, high rate of labour charges, unavailability of irrigation water at critical stages of crop growth, non availability of information about future aberrant weather conditions including cyclone, scarcity of labour at harvesting stage. Some of the important suggestions offered by the respondents were remunerative price of farm produce should be made available, long, medium and short term forecasting system for weather situations should be developed and the information should be availed to farmers at right time, improved implements should be developed for the field operation like harvesting.Effective control measures should be developed for control of white grubs. Farmers should be informed well in advanced with information about the attack of different pest and diseases of groundnut crop.enAGRICULTURAL EXTENSIONADOPTION OF CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN GROUNDNUT CROP BY GROUNDNUT GROWERS OF SOUTH SAURASHTRA AGRO-CLIMATIC ZONE 2358Thesis