Vijayarani, KKumanan, KThangavelu, ASrithar, APadmavathy, CTANUVAS2023-02-222023-02-222018 (pTB) is a fatal inflammatory disease caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) affecting both wild and domestic ruminants.Nospecificand sensitive diagnostic assay is available due to the cross reactivity with the strains of vast mycobacterium family. Development of diagnostics for MAPwill require a cocktail of antigens due to therange of heterogeneous Major histocompatability complex(MHC) molecules and due to differentiated antigen expression patterns of MAP. Recombinant antigens for the Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosisgenes namely MAP4_0900 encoding 34kDa B cell epitope, MAP specific IS900 - Nir Aencoding T cell epitope, MAP4_ 2856 (ESXO-ESAT) encoding early secretory ESAT 6 like protein,MAP4_1239c encoding virulence factor MmpL were cloned and expressed in E.coli. The gene inserts for the selected genes were amplified byPolymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers designed for site directional cloning. A fusion gene encoding 28 immunogenic peptides of nine genes, Ag85A,Ag85B, Ag85C,P35-35kDa, Serine Protease, AhpC, AhpD, GroE1, Hsp20 was synthesised and obtained as a pUC 57 vector insert.EnglishVeterinary ScienceCLONING AND EXPRESSION OF IMMUNOGENIC ANTIGENS OF Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosisThesis