Divyalakshmi, DKumaravelu, NThamil Vanan, ThangaTANUVAS2020-01-132020-01-132019http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810140302TNV_INPLVT_2019_20(1)199-200The study documents efficacy of Nano Spot Ivermectin for management of Psoroptic mange in rabbits. Eight Psoroptes cuniculi infested Soviet Chinchilla adult rabbits were treated with Nano Spot Ivermectin @ 2-3 drops instilled on skin in lumbar region on alternate days. After three weeks of treatment, six rabbits recovered with hair re-growth. Remaining two rabbits, showed recovery after six weeks of therapy along with Benzyl benzoate application.enVeterinary ScienceTherapeutic Management of Rabbit Mange with Ivermectin Nano Spot OnIntas PolivetArticle