Gill, Mandeep SinghRamandeep Kour2017-12-202017-12-202017 present investigation on ‘changes in physico-chemical composition during fruit development and ripening in mango cv. Dusehri’ was carried out at Department of Fruit Science, PAU, Ludhiana during the year 2016. Fruits were analysed for fruit size, fruit weight, stone size, stone weight, specific gravity, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, reducing sugars and peel mineral contents at different fruit development stages. Various physical parameter of fruit increased with development of fruit from 35 DAFS to 95 DAFS with fruit length (4.24 cm-9.92 cm), fruit breadth (3.07 cm- 5.57 cm ) fruit thickness ( 3.37 cm- 5.56 cm) fruit weight ( 32.5 g-168.00 g ), specific gravity (0.973-1.032), stone length (7.53 cm-9.23 cm), stone breadth (1.64 cm-3.18 cm ), stone thickness (1.54 cm-1.92 cm) stone weight (19.55 cm -28.28 cm). Similarly, during the fruit development chemical characteristics of fruit increased i.e. TSS (6.33% -8.39%); however acidity decreased with the advancement of maturity and recorded as maximum at 35 DAFB and minimum at 95 DAFS. At maturity the relative order of content of macro and micro nutrient was Ca>K>Mg>N>P and Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu, respectively. In the second experiment effect of harvesting dates and ripening conditions on the ripening quality of Dusehri fruit has been investigated. The fruit were harvested at 101 DAFS ,106 DAFS, and 111 DAFS and then harvested fruit stored at 25°C in ripening chambers for ripening. Then fruit samples were analyzed after 72, 96 and 120 hr for physico chemical parameters. Significant variations were observed in quality characteristics with respect to harvest date, ripening time and their interaction .Fruit firmness and acidity were highest on 101 DAFS at the time of harvesting and reducing sugars were highest in fruit harvested on 111 DAFS after 120 h of storage. While sensory quality of fruits also increased with ripening and found maximum in fruit harvested on 106 DAFS after 120 h of storage. The weight loss, TSS, reducing sugars, β carotene also increased with increase in ripening hours and with delay in harvesting and found maximum at the end of ripening period . However, the luminosity of the pulp decreased with increase in ripening period and ‘a*’ value for pulp increased with development of redness of tissue. The fruit pulp develop yellowish colour during ripening period as evidenced by increase in value of ‘b*’.ennullChanges in physico-chemical composition during fruit development and ripening in mango cv DusehriThesis