SHESHSHAYEE, M SPOOJA BHARTI2023-01-052023-01-052022-12-30Th-12813 set of 260 DCBC3F4 lines developed by introgressing root traits and WUE through marker assisted back cross breeding were phenotyped for target traits and yield along with the parents under semi-irrigated aerobic conditions. Based on the phenotyping, 25 transgressive near isogenic lines (NIL) differing in root and WUE viz., HD+HR, HD+LR, LD+HR and LD+LR were selected for further characterization. The performance of these selected NILs was significantly better than the recurrent parent (IR64) across various seasons and locations. The consistency of traits across seasons demonstrated the stability of the QTLs and NILs. Based on Marker class analysis the 25 lines were classified into phenotypic classes differing in root traits with low Δ13C and higher yield. All low root types possessed alleles of RM 2584, RM 1388 and RM 16 from AC-39020. On the other hand, high root types had RM 2584 and RM 1388 alleles from AC-39020 and RM 16 alleles from non-donor parent. Further, from the 25 NILs, six lines were selected based on marker/QTL combination and an additional seven lines from among 260 DCBC3F4. These lines were characterized for physiological traits in the MLM phenomics facility. All the 13 TILs identified as superior transgressive seggregants, performed better than the recurrent parent. Further, the NILs with donor marker alleles RM 2584 and RM 1388 allele and non-donor allele of RM 16 had significantly higher root traits. The marker RM 16 seemed to be associated with genomic regions that act like negative regulator of root growth. Scientific investigations reported in literature also suggests RM 16 as negative regulator. Bioinformatics and co-localization study suggested that gene Os03g43400 present within RM 16 region was the candidate gene responsible in inhibiting lateral root growth.EnglishANALYSIS OF INTERACTION AMONG TRAITS IN QTL-NIL AND THE ASSESSMENT OF MOLECULAR NETWORKS IN MARKER ASSISTED BACK CROSS PROGENIES OF RICE (Oryza sativa L.)Thesis