Banarjee, N.C.Ahmad, ABUL HASAN2023-03-162023-03-161985 OF BETAMETHASONE AND ITS EFFECT ON THE BIOCHEMICAL AND HAEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN GOATSFrom the studies made in this project on soils, developed from the game parent material – Granite gneiss, under similar climate conditions but differing in land situations and management practices, the following conclusions can be drawn in respect of the variations in their properties. A. Land situations (upland v/s medium land) 1. Uplands have sandy loam texture under farmers practice while medium land have sandy loan to loam texture. 2. Bulk density and moisture retention at 15 bar and 1/3 bar at 15- 30 cm depth are more on uplands. 3. Porosity and aggregation are less on uplands. 4. Ph, w/s AL& CEC are low on uplands.EnglishPHARMACOKINETICS OF BETAMETHASONE AND ITS EFFECT ON THE BIOCHEMICAL AND HAEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN GOATSThesis