M., SHIVANNAS., RASHMIALUR, ASHOK S.M., ANJANAPPAS., ANIL KUMARB. N., DHANANJAYANAIKODI, PRAVEEN KUMAR B.2021-01-082021-01-082018-07UHS16PGM833https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810159608A study was undertaken to inventorize, characterize and map the soil resources of two micro- watersheds derived from basalt in North Eastern Transitional Zone of Karnataka (Zone -1 ) in order to assess their land capability and suitability for crops and also to assess soil fertility constraints.EnglishRESOURCE INVENTORIZATION FOR WATERSHED PLANNING OF MASKAL-1 AND SANTPUR MICRO-WATERSHEDS OF AURAD TALUK IN BIDAR DISTRICTThesis