K.K.JainRaju Singh2019-01-162019-01-162014http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810090852A field experiment comprising four levels of irrigation (I1 = Irrigation at branching (B) ; I2 = Irrigation at B and flowering (F) ; I3 = Irrigation at B, F and siliqua initiation (SI) and ; I4 = Irrigation at B, F, SI and grain filling stages) in main plot, four levels of integrated nutrient management [F1 = FYM (5 tonnes ha-1) ; F2 = 100% RDF (90:40:20 kg ha-1) ; F3 = FYM + 75% RDF (67.5:30:15 kg ha-1) and FYM + 75% RDF + Azotobactor (@ 10g kg-1 seed)] in sub plots was laid out in split plot design, replicated three times and conducted at Agronomy farm, College of Agriculture, Bikaner (Rajasthan) during Rabi, 2013-14 on sandy loam soil.ennullEffect of Integrated Nutrient Management and Irrigation Stages on Growth, Yield and Quality of Indian Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss] In North Western RajasthanThesis