U. K. KandoliyaPUROHIT HARSH BHARATKUMAR2021-07-062021-07-062019-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170123Green house experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of exogenous application of gibberellic acid, potassium nitrate and silicic acid under salt stress on physiological, biochemical parameters and enzymatic activities of groundnut. The experimental design was factorial completely randomized design with different eight (T1 to T8) treatment combinations, two level of irrigation to induce salinity stress i.e. tap water (S1) and 4 EC (S2). The plants were sprayed with GA3, KNO3 and silicic acid after 20 and 40 DAS (Days after sowing) and samples withdrawn after 30 and 50 DAS for the analysis. The observations were recorded for the parameters viz., relative water content, leaf pH, membrane stability index, total phenol, true protein, free amino acid, total soluble sugar, reducing sugar, chlorophyll content, carotenoids, proline, glycine betaine as well as different enzymes viz., polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase and catalase. The present investigation was under taken with an objective to find out the effect of exogenous application of gibberellic acid, potassium nitrate and silicic acid as growth regulators on physiological, biochemical and enzymatic activities. Results revealed that the foliar spray of treatment T8 [GA3 @ 100 ppm + KNO3 @ 500 ppm + silicic acid @ 50 ppm] was more effective in all parameters. In present study, it was observed that increasing the salt concentration in treatments resulted to increase osmolytes or solutes viz., total soluble sugar, reducing sugar, glycine betain, total phenols and proline content in groundnut under salt stress.Abstract With progressive days of germination, osmolytes or solute content in the seedling decrease in all salt stress treatments. A difference in sensitivity to salinity in groundnut was also reflected on physiological parameters as well as for the enzymatic activity. Salt stress that decreased physiological parameters like; relative water content and membrane stability index but leaf pH increased under salt stress. The leaf sample that treated with gibberellic acid, potassium nitrate and silicic acid at different concentrations that increased physiological parameters like relative water content, membrane stability index, except leaf pH. GA3, KNO3, silicic acid possibly regulate various plant metabolic process and modulate the production of varied osmolytes like total phenol, free amino acid, total soluble sugar, reducing sugar, chlorophyll content (a, b and total), proline and glycine betaine, enzyme activity like peroxidase increased under salt stress, but application of GA3, KNO3 and silicic acid decrease catalase and polyphenol oxidase activity. This investigation has proved GA3, KNO3 and silicic acid as potential biomolecules in reducing the adverse effect of salt stress in plant. GA3, KNO3 and silicic acid has been showed to be beneficial for plant growth and development.English“EFFECT OF GIBBERELLIC ACID, POTASSIUM NITRATE AND SILICIC ACID ON BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea L.) SEEDLING IRRIGATED WITH SALINE WATER” 2885Thesis