Dr. Atul GuptaALOK KUMAR SINGH2024-04-102024-04-102024-04-24EFFECT OF INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ON YIELD AND PRODUCTIVITY OF FIELD CROPS UNDER AONLA (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMhttps://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810208253The present investigation entitled “Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and productivity of field crops under Aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) based agroforestry system” was carried out at research farm of Regional Horticulture Research and Training Station, Jachh, Kangra (HP) India, during the years 2021- 2023. The experiment was designed with RBD factorial to analyse the impact of tree proximities viz., D1 (0.5 to 2 m), D2 (2 to 3.5 m), D3 (3.5 to 5 m) and D0 (control without trees) and nutrient doses viz., T1 (Control), T2 (Recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers), T3 (75% inorganic fertilizer + 25% FYM), T4 (75% inorganic fertilizer + 25% Vermicompost), T5 (50% inorganic fertilizer + 50% FYM), T6 (50% inorganic fertilizer + 25% FYM + 25% Vermicompost), T7 (25% inorganic fertilizer + 50% FYM + 25% Vermicompost) and T8 (100% FYM) on performance of four field crops (Cicer arietinum, Brassica juncea, Vigna mungo and Sesamum indicum) under E. officinalis based agroforestry system. The investigation demonstrated that both tree proximity and nutrient doses significantly influenced the growth and yield parameters of all crops studied. Notably, in terms of tree proximity, the growth and yield parameters for all four crops were superior under open conditions without trees where no trees were present (D0). Among nutrient doses, application of 50% inorganic fertilizer + 25% FYM + 25% Vermicompost (T5) resulted in significantly higher values of yield parameters in all four crops which was found to be statistically at par with T4 (75% inorganic fertilizer + 25% Vermicompost). Enhancements in soil physico-chemical properties were evident in the agroforestry system compared to the monocropping. The application of organic manures in both the agroforestry system and sole crop cultivation led to increased availability of N, P, K, and organic carbon in the soil. In terms of economic viability, the benefitcost ratio for cultivating field crops within the E. officinalis-based agroforestry system ranged from 1.49 to 2.66, presenting a more lucrative outcome compared to monocropping, where the benefit-cost ratio ranged from 1.23 to 2.54. The study concludes that integrating field crops with E. officinalis tree proves more effective in generating higher farm income compared to sole cropping. Notably, the nutrient combinations in Treatment T4 (75% inorganic fertilizer + 25% Vermicompost) and T6 (50% inorganic fertilizer + 25% FYM + 25% Vermicompost) are recommended for their cost-effectiveness in providing direct and indirect benefits to field crops within the E. officinalis-based agroforestry system. This sustainable approach also contributes to maintaining optimal soil health.EnglishEFFECT OF INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ON YIELD AND PRODUCTIVITY OF FIELD CROPS UNDER AONLA (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMThesis