MOHAN SINGH JANGRAVASU BHANOT2024-01-032024-01-032023-10-25 The present investigation entitled “Pheno-thermal response of Tomato cultivars under different environment in mid hills of Himachal Pradesh” was carried out during the year 2022-2023 at the Experimental Farm of Department of Environmental Science, College of Forestry, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The study aimed to assess the pheno-thermal response of two tomato cultivars namely Heem Sohna and Solan Lalima to different environmental conditions created by transplanting the selected cultivars at an interval of 15 days before and after normal date of transplanting i.e., 10th March (early), 25th March (normal) and 09th April (late) under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Further, quantifying the days taken to attain different phenological stages, morphological parameters, yield attributes and thermal requirements. The study revealed that early transplanting of Heem Sohna cultivar under irrigated conditions experienced optimum meteorological conditions i.e., maximum (29.4ºC) and minimum (4.7ºC) temperatures, total rainfall (305.1mm), bright sunshine hours (107.1) and relative humidity (41-74%) and took maximum number of days to attain different phenological stages viz. leaf development (23), inflorescence emergence (37), flowering (44), fruit development (66) and fruit maturity (88) followed by normal and late transplanting. The longer duration under optimum meteorological conditions provided ample time to complete its phenological stages efficiently and accumulate growing degree days (1037.5ºC), photo-thermal units (14068.2 ºC), hydro-thermal units (52154.6ºC) and helio-thermal units (8281.9ºC). The proper completion of phenological stages, ample time and optimum conditions for uptake of nutrients and efficient accumulation of heat units resulted in higher morphological parameters viz. plant height (202.0cm), number of branches and leaves (4.3, 45.3, respectively) and yield attributes i.e., number of fruits per plant (42), fruit weight (71.3g), fruit width (6.1cm), fruit length (5.9cm), yield per plant (2.8kg), yield per plot (33kg) and yield per hectare (660.0q) coupled by higher biomass accumulation for early transplanted Heem Sohna cultivar under irrigated conditions followed by normal and late transplanting. Therefore, to bring tomato cultivation in line with the changing environmental conditions, transplanting tomato crop in the first week of March, not later than 10th March, under irrigated conditions using Heem Sohna followed by Solan Lalima is recommended in mid hills of Himachal PradeshEnglishPHENO-THERMAL RESPONSE OF TOMATO CULTIVARS UNDER DIFFERENT ENVRONMENT IN MID HILLS OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis