Sunanda, SharanSavitri, Byadagi2016-05-242016-05-242014-04-02Th-10734 study was under taken to assess the nutritional status, knowledge and food security of school children with Govt. Mid Day Meal (MDM) at GHSB and ISCKON MDM at GHSH and without MDM at PHSC. Majority of the subjects with no MDM were found to have better height, height for age, weight for age, odds ratio and MUAC as compared to IAP and NCHS standards. Subjects with ISCKON MDM (GHSH) had higher BMI and TSF values compared to both IAP and WHO standards in comparison to other two schools. PHSC subjects without MDM had better health status compared to subjects with MDM. Subjects from PHSC and their parents had better nutritional knowledge as compared to other two schools. Food insecurity was almost nonexistent. However, PHSC was found to have better food security (100%) compared to other two schools. Majority of the female subjects were found to have normal hemoglobin level in all the schools. However, comparatively female subjects of PHSC without MDM had better status compared to subjects with MDM provision. Mean food consumption of 30 girls from each school was found to be inadequate as compared to Recommended Dietary Allowances. There was wide variation in nutrient intake among the subjects studied. Based on the results of this study, it could be inferred that the subjects were below the anthropometric standards. Provision of MDM would have contributed to the improved nutritional status of study subjects. There appears to be large gap to be achieved for better nutritional status by providing nutri rich meals.enbiological phenomena, marketing, vitamins, sampling, diseases, nutrients, grading, wastes, fats, fruitsAnalysis of nutritional status, knowledge and food security of school children with and without mid day meal programmeThesis